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ISSN: 2367-7716
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Vol. 10 No 1 (2024): Colloquia Comparativa Litterarum

This issue's leading theme: DYSTOPIA: Traditions, Genre Dynamics, Directions of Transformation
Dystopia is a genre of crisis in the modern world, and symptomatically it is becoming increasingly relevant and popular in 21st century literature – as a genre, but no less so as a narrative approach, a type of fiction that adapts to other approaches and genres. Dystopian foresight is more than ever emerging as a practical act by which writers respond to the crises that beset our world. Even Bulgarian literature, which has almost no dystopian tradition, is experiencing a wave of interest in "anti-utopia", as we are accustomed to naming this genre.
Thematic aspects: historical roots of contemporary dystopia; continuity with the last quarter of the 20th century; political dimensions of dystopian space; subgenre forms and variations; migration of dystopian narrative to mythology, folklore and mass culture; crisis of humanism; problems of the posthuman, post-pessimism.
Prof. Milena Kirova, Dr. Sc. – Guest Editor-in-Chief and thematic coordinator
Colloquia Comparativa Litterarum is an annual online scholarly journal of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, with free access and double-blind peer review selection before publication, which features articles in Comparative Literature and Balkan Studies. Scientific articles and reviews of scholarly books on comparative literature are accepted in one of the following three languages: Bulgarian, English, and French.